
  • Zarnigor Xatamova Tukin Qizi O’zbekiston Davlat Jahon Tillari Universiteti Ingliz tili Amaliy tarjima kafedrasi, stajor-o’qituvchi.
  • Xatamov Shoxrux Vafokulovich “Wise school” xususiy maktabida o’qituvchi.


translation, culture, language, equivalent, communication, translator, communication concept, communicator.


In this article, it should be said that the choice of words affects the translation during communication due to the presence of age, gender and knowledge factor there are many factors. Different vocabulary is used in different places, at someone’s house, in a casual conversation with friends. Technical terminology also has a special connotative feature have sometimes people know the levels of society or professional use technical and professional vocabulary to show thinking. The use of technical jargon may be confusing to the uninitiated. Who is the translator? should use a technical term depending on what they are dealing with. It is clear that it is symbolic in every culture movement will exist. If the action is just a literal translation if done, its meaning disappears. This is important in the main language occurs when there is no action that is not focused on meaning. For example: He nodded his head. If the head nod in the original language means “yes” and the translation such a symbol may not have meaning in the language culture. In some cultures, nodding has a negative meaning rather than a positive one can also have. If the action form with another form in the recipient language connected, sometimes it is difficult to translate the marked action will be For example, if the original language contains “show fist”. If so, the interpreter uses “anger” to clarify the meaning of the gesture. However, if “Show the fist” translation. If it has a different meaning in the language, this translation will help the students to understand the text allows him to understand.[1]




How to Cite

Zarnigor Xatamova Tukin Qizi, & Xatamov Shoxrux Vafokulovich. (2023). "TRANSLATION AND CULTURE". British Journal of Global Ecology and Sustainable Development, 22, 112–114. Retrieved from https://journalzone.org/index.php/bjgesd/article/view/433


